If you invented and patented a great new product, then you are likely looking forward to selling it to begin reaping the rewards of your hard work and dedication spent developing the product. Like many new inventors, you likely want to begin selling your product online on an e-commerce website. This is a great decision because when selling a product online, you don't have to meet up with retailers and convince them to carry your product or worry about the overhead costs of having your own brick and mortar costs.
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Starting A New Business? Should You Pay For Digital Marketing Services Or Do It Yourself?
If you've recently taken the plunge into entrepreneurship by quitting the rat race and starting your own business, you may be eager to begin gaining a presence in your local market and attracting customers from far and wide. However, sometimes even the savviest business owners aren't experts in marketing, and you may find that your grand opening falls flat without some concentrated efforts to promote your business online -- from raising your presence in search engine results to generating positive ratings on crowd-sourced review sites.
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5 Reasons To Focus On UI Development Before Building The Rest Of Your Product
Since writing the code for the unique features of a software product takes the longest, it's the step most developers put the majority of their focus on. However, starting with the user interface (UI) of your software makes a lot more sense in today's world. Find out how taking extra care to build your UI makes it easier to market your product in five different ways.
It's the Product to the User
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